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2018 HONDA CB650F

2018 HONDA CB650F

Posted: Sep 4, 2017 12:00 AM

Vehicle Description

A rigid steel diamond frame paired with twin 64 mm x 30 mm elliptical spars provides sport-inspired balanced handling, specifically tuned for high levels of rider feedback and sharp performance. Tuned for increased torque and effortless performance in low and mid rpm, the proven DOHC 16-valve cylinder head with direct cam actuation and 11.4:1 compression ratio increases peak power delivery at 11,000 rpm. SAVE $1,000!! Sporty handling

Vehicle Information

Vehicle Type Motorcycle
Vehicle Location Nanaimo, British Columbia
Year 2018
Model CB650F
Condition New
Engine Size 501-1000cc

Owner Information

Contact Name VI Honda
Contact Type Dealer

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