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2017 HONDA CRF250R

2017 HONDA CRF250R

Posted: Feb 9, 2017 12:00 AM

Vehicle Description

Choose your best chance to win. Increased cam lift, new titanium exhaust valves, new valve springs, and updates to cylinder-head porting, piston shape and connecting-rod shape, add up to an engine that’s more powerful than ever. The CRF250R’s Engine Mode Select (EMS) system lets you modify fuel-injection and ignition mapping with the simple push of a handlebar-mounted button – perfect for dialing in the best power curve for better starts, better drive out of corners, better traction, or simply to better suit your riding style. Modes two and three can even be fine-tuned using the optional HRC setting tool. Mode selection is easily accomplished without changing the rider's hand position or shutting down the engine (as long as the engine is idling). Effortless directional changes on the fly - Unique 4-valve Unicam cylinder head has very compact dimensions, allowing it to be ideally placed for excellent mass centralization. This helps make it even easier for a rider to change direction, on

Vehicle Information

Vehicle Type Motorcycle
Vehicle Location Nanaimo, British Columbia
Year 2017
Model CRF250R
Condition New
Engine Size 0-500cc

Owner Information

Contact Name VI Honda
Contact Type Dealer

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