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2015 HONDA VFR800F

2015 HONDA VFR800F

Posted: Apr 13, 2018 12:00 AM

Vehicle Description

ONE OWNER The VFR800 aficionados border on fanatical. They demand the very best in their machines and are reluctant to settle for anything less. This can make changing the VFR a risky proposition at best. Operational changes have to improve function while maintaining the delicate balance between performance and comfort that the VFR is so famous for. Similarly, changes to the styling have to respect the original while providing an elegant, contemporary look. Finally, the VFR has always been a technological leader, so cutting edge technology is an essential part of the VFR formula. Oh, and it has to be available in red. VFR enthusiasts rejoice, the 2015 VFR800F has all this and more. VFR800F- the legend renewed. Consignment Bike, Hard to find VFR800F in great condition, Givi Saddlebags, Recent Tires, Fresh Fluids, Front and Rear Brakes

Vehicle Information

Vehicle Type Motorcycle
Vehicle Location Nanaimo, British Columbia
Year 2015
Model VFR800F
Condition Used
Engine Size 501-1000cc

Owner Information

Contact Name VI Honda
Contact Type Dealer

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