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2005 ARCTIC CAT M7 EFI 153"

2005 ARCTIC CAT M7 EFI 153"

Posted: Nov 27, 2009 9:44 AM

Vehicle Description

Custom COLOR! 46mm throttle body batteryless EFI, Driven Clutch: Arctic (roller cam), ACT drive system, 153" track, UHMW plastic saddleless skis, 140 HP, used as branch demo, low mileage.

Vehicle Information

Vehicle Type Snowmobile
Vehicle Location Calgary, Alberta
Year 2005
Model M7 EFI 153"
Condition Used
Mileage 250 km
Engine Size 501-1000cc
Stock Number 78690204

Owner Information

Contact Name Danielle
Contact Type Dealer
Contact Number 403-280-2200
Secondary Number 403-816-0768

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